While handing over the investigation to the CBI, the Gujarat High Court had called for all the minute details and action taken reports on the request of a member of the SIT to transfer the officials PP Pandey, GL Singhal and Tarun Barot out of the department to facilitate the investigation.
The court has asked the state government to submit all the files with the noting to the court and submit the affidavit before the court. The SIT had sought for transfer of the officers so that they don't influence the subordinate officers who can provide vital evidence and information in the investigation.
The HC had however, on April 8, ordered the state government to transfer the officers immediately. But the government transferred them, on April 19, a day before submission of the report.
The court had observed that until the visit of the members of Central Forensic Laboratory and team of All India Institute of Medial Sciences, the transfer orders were not passed. Prima facie, the said action on the part of the state can be said to be in breach and non-compliance of the direction of the court.
The court had issued notice to Balwant Singh, additional chief secretary, Home Department, and directed him to submit a reply and explanation, if any, as to why proceedings under the Contempt of Courts Act should not be initiated for alleged breach and non-compliance of the directions by the court.
Singh had accordingly filed an affidavit. However, dissatisfied, the court on Thursday asked the state to submit papers with the noting of concerned officers and authorities on the file. The hearing on the issue is now scheduled on January 20.
Source: http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report_ishrat-jahan-case-high-court-asks-gujarat-to-submit-files-notings_1620337
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