Subject: Applications and Scholarships in a Masters of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific)
Dear Forum Councillors
A new Master of Human Rights and Democratisation has been announced by 5 partner Universities in the Asia Pacific region which will be of interest to your staff.
Applications are now being accepted for study and for scholarships in the Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific) (MHRD). The MHRD is a Master degree program in which students undertake a foundational semester of study at the University of Sydney (Australia), and then a second semester at one of the four partner universities:
Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia)
Mahidol University (Thailand)
Katmandu School of Law (Nepal)
University of Colombo (Sri Lanka)
Graduates of the course will gain an interdisciplinary understanding of human rights and democratisation in the Asia Pacific, and will have opportunities to research and examine the application of human rights and democratisation in the field with the partner institutions.
Please find attached an information sheet on the MHRD. You will note from this that the Universities are looking for people who have a strong commitment to or experience on working on issues about human rights and democratisation and that the degree will strongly benefit people already working in, or seeking to work in the fields of human rights and democratisation in the Asia Pacific.
Thirty scholarships, covering course fees and a living and travel allowance, will be offered to outstanding applicants from across the Asia Pacific region. This is made possible with the support of a significant grant from the European Commission. The award of scholarships will be determined by academic qualifications and an applicant's potential contribution to human rights and democratization. The partner Universities have informed me that they would encourage applications from qualified members of staff of APF member institutions.
Applications are now open.
Applications for the MHRD close on 30 April 2010 and are considered upon receipt.
Applications for the Human Rights and Democratisation Scholarship close on 12 March 2010.
Contacts and Further Information
In distributing this information to your staff, please let them know that they can find more information at
For any questions, or for a copy of the application form, please contact the Academic Director Dr. Danielle Celermajer directly at
Kieren Fitzpatrick
Level 8, Piccadilly Tower
133 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
T +61 2 9284 9845
F +61 2 9284 9825
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For any questions, or for a copy of the application form, please contact Academic Director Dr. Danielle Celermajer at
Best of Luck...........